Herb Profile_ Lavender

Herb Profile_ Lavender

Lavender (Lavendula Angustifolia)

Lavender Benefits

Lavender Benefits

Lavender Benefits_

Sedative, Analgesic (pain relieving), Anti-Bacterial, Anti-depressant, Nervine (calms the nerves)

Lavender Uses_

Skin calming, sleep inducer, stress and anxiety

About Lavender_

The scent of Lavender is one of the most familiar herb scents and evokes a sense of peace and calmness. The sweet, floral fragrance is a favourite for inducing sleep and is often used in sleep sachets or brewed in an aromatic tea to promote a restful night’s slumber.

The benefits of Lavender are numerous, and its gentle nature and versatility make it a widely used herb in beauty products and herbal remedies.

The very name ‘Lavender’ comes from the Latin word ‘Lavendula’ meaning to clean. A natural anti-bacterial, Lavender is a welcome addition to cleansers, washes and balms.

Lavender taken internally is famous for its stress relieving qualities, and these soothing properties are also found when applied topically to the skin. The herb reduces redness, tones and conditions the skin. It can help with the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis and promotes the healing of wounds and prevents scarring.

In its essential oil form, Lavender is suitable for almost all skin types and is mild enough for sensitive skin too. You will often find Lavender essential oil used in children’s products.

I find Lavender a very comforting scent and many of my products use it, either as an essential oil or a herbal infusion. In fact, most of my products include Lavender in some form!

Its beautiful blue and purple blooms are synonymous with Provence, but there are so many varieties of the plant and it is grown in many climes and depending on its country of origin will have its own very slightly different and unique scent.

Here are our products from The Ilex Wood containing Lavender_

Calendula Salve

Boo Boo Balm - Herbal Healing Salve

Rose & Frankincense Face Cream

Rose & Frankincense Serum

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